Bamboo Rafting on JiuQu Stream (Nine Bend River) 漂九曲溪

One of the reasons that we booked the tour was the tour agent would be able to get the ticket to the river-rafting as there are limited number of passengers daily. The rafting took about one and half hour.

We had our lunch at one of the many restaurants near the pier.

Since there were only two of us, we have to be 'combined' with the others to form a 'team' of six people for one boat. After some amount of 'auctioning', we were paired with a middle-aged couple and two ladies travelers, and we waited at the 'holding' area. Then, the people started moving.

Groups were loaded onto the bamboo rafts. We were accordingly assigned to one of the rafts.

Our rafter rowers were a lady at the front, and a old man at the back of the bamboo raft. Very quickly, all the rafts were loaded and moved down stream. When the old man asked if we would like to pay for his narrative of the various sights along the stream, it was promptly turned down by the couple... The two ladies have brought a bag of about 12 big cupcakes cakes/bun and two grilled corns as their snack. They started eating once the bamboo raft moved down stream.

Certain stretches of the rivers have rapids, while others parts are clam. The rock formations along the stream were varied and majestic. The ladies continued munching their cupcake.

We passed by more interesting rock formation and rapids. Then, we passed Tian You Feng, the mountain that we climbed in the morning.

While we watched the other rafters in the morning, other tourists were looking at us from the bridge.

The raft passed the Eighth-Bend, signaling we were near the end of the journey. The ladies encouraged each other : '杀了它!(kill it!) and ate the last cupcake... well done!

A few times, other rafter's bamboo oar were stuck in the rock, and quickly the other rafter helped to retrieve it. After passing through more majestic rock formations,  the stream narrowed, and the bamboo rafts stopped by the river bank, to offload the passengers.

We arrived at our destination, WuYi Temple. Based on the timing on the photos, the rafting took about one and half hour.

I admired the rafter's skill in steering the bamboo raft along the stream. A lot of experience is required to negotiate the rapids, various depth of the river and also steering the bamboo oar and coordinating with the fellow rafter.
On the Same Trip:
WuYiShan 4Days Travel and Walking 
 Climbing TianYou Feng 
 Climbing DaWang Feng
 Walking DaHongPao to ShuiLianDong(Water Curtain Cave)
 A short walk of Left YiXianTian
 Climbing Tiger Roar Rock (HuXiao Cliff), Walk YuNu Peak