WuYiShan Travel : Climbing TianYou Feng (Heavenly Tour Peak) 武夷山 天游峰 之行

Tian You Feng is the MUST VISIT tourist site in WuYiShan.

Tian You Feng can be accessed from the South Gate of WuYiShan Park. Although we were early but the entrance were already crowded. We queued to enter the park, and then queued to take the internal tram. Within the WuYiSham parks, only the park's buses and vehicles are allowed.

We alighted at the Tian You Feng bus stop, crossing a  bridge, with sight of bamboo rafting on the river.

We walked along long tree-lined path, while others engaged the sedan-chair service to walk the path towards TianYou Feng.

At last, we arrived at the foot of TianYou Feng. I gazed up at the trail, and took my first step forward. It would be a long climb.

As we climbed above the initial trees' canopy, the river and the surrounding came into view; craggy rocks amidst the green forests with the river making a big bend amongst it.

There were many other climbers. Though the steps were many and steep, it was rather noisy as they would shout encouragement to one another across the mountain and also talked to fellow climbers. (Memory of Minoo Park autumn viewing suddenly came to my mind:- it was more crowded but was surprisingly quieter).

A waterfall and long flights of steps came into view.

As we climbed higher, the view became more spectacular. We were also impressed with ourselves when we looked back at the progress we had made.

At last, we were near the top, and the iconic WuYiShan scenery presented itself before us, breathtaking indeed.

We reached the top of Tian You Feng!

We rested for a while and then made our way down.

Surprisingly, based on the time on the photo, we took about 45  minutes to climb to the top, and another half hour to walk down to the base.

We liked the climb, and looked forward to the stream rafting in the afternoon.
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