Walking Roaring Tiger Rock(HuXiao Cliff) and YuNu Peak 慢走 虎啸岩 到 玉女峰 景区

Flights of stone stairs lead up the side of the HuXiao Cliff.

There was only a group of tourists in front of us, and thus much less as crowded and noisy compared to Tian You Feng.

As we climbed higher, lofty peaks and wide expanses of forest could be seem. We stopped to take many photos of the imposing rock walls, and faraway peaks.

The stone steps impressed me as well, I wonder how many man and woman were mobilized to crave the steps onto the mountain side, and why was it done?

There was even a stone arch along the stone steps that led to more stone steps...

The landscape changed as we climbed higher towards the right of the cliff.

We were at the flat landing and it led to the Fate-Setting bridge.

We then made our descent.

Soon we were nearing the base on the cliff.

The dramatic cliff wall at the base was striking and it should not collapse?

We made our way towards YuNu Peak through a tea plantation.

We reached YuNu Peak, and there were many tourists taking photos with the icon YuNu Peak.

YuNu Peak is the icon for many WuYiShan marketing brochures and tourist promotion. We also took a few photos.

We took a bus to WuYi Temple so that we could walk back to our hotel.
On the Same Trip:
WuYiShan 4Days Travel and Walking 
 Climbing TianYou Feng
 Nine Bend(JiuQu) Stream Rafting
 Climbing DaWang Feng
 Walking DaHongPao to ShuiLianDong(Water Curtain Cave)
 A short walk of Left YiXianTian