My Best Walk : WuYiShan Da Hong Pao to Water Curtain Cave 武夷山 大红袍 慢游 水帘洞

Da Hong Pao Scenic Area was famous for its tea plantation and the Tea Tree. We extended our visit to include a walk to Water Curtain Cave (Shui Lian Dong). It was my BEST WuYiShan walk as I seemed to have wander into a beautiful Chinese classic landscape painting.

WuYiShan is famous for its tea leaves. Many types of tea leaves could be found in DaHongPao.

Each type of tea leave has different characteristic.

The most famous are the "DaHongPao" seed trees.

We started our walk following the signage.

After walking uphill for a while, we came to a long series of steps leading downhill. The scenery was beautiful, it is post-card perfect or like a Chinese painting of cliff, mountain, amidst lush greenery!

As it was raining, the cloud/mist was hanging low over the valley; adding on the cliff and the surrounding greenery, it resembled a classic Chinese Scenery Painting.

We admired and enjoyed the peace before continuing with our walk.

A stream runs along the path, and the gushes of water sound accompanied us.

We reached the Liuxiang Valley, and the surrounding got even more enchanting, with narrow gaps between the rocky walk and at times beside the stream.

Soon we came out of the valley into the open.

We reached the HuiYuan Temple, and have walked for about an hour from the DaHongPao entrance.

We crossed a stream  with stone path, I look forward to the next scenic spot, the Ancient Cliff House.

We admired and wow-ed at more majestic cliff and rock formations.

We reached an open expanse of tea plantation, and the ancient cliff house could be seen afar between the upper wall surface of the cliff.

We were glad that we have the opportunity to experience such a beautiful landscape.

We continued walking and crossed a stone bridge, and a farmer passed us with his load of vegetable.

A flight of steps lead to ShuiLianDong, and also the end of our walk.

We took about one hour to walk from HuiYuan Temple to ShuiLian Dong. The beautiful walk would remain fondly in my memory for a long while. It was one of the best two hours walk that I ever had.

We had a nice lunch at the town centre.

I looked forward to the afternoon activity of climbing HuXiao Cliff, but would also visit YiXianTian since it was in the itinerary.
On the Same Trip:
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 Climbing DaWang Feng 
 A short walk of Left YiXianTian
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