South Korea : Last Day of Naesosa Temple Stay and Thoughts

Third and Last Day of Temple Stay and Thoughts
I woke up at 5:30a.m, without the need for an alarm.
Temple stay compound
Naesosa Temple Stay Entrance
Despite the discomfort and the initial stiffness, we were chirpy and waited outside the dining hall before breakfast time.
Dining Room at 6:20am in the morning
We had brown rice for breakfast and the dishes were different from yesterday. Since it was the last meal in Naesosa, I went for a second helping of more seaweed, lotus roots and brown rice.
Last Breakfast for our stay
After packing our bags and cleaning the room, we bid S and the nun farewell and headed for the bus stop (9:35am : Naesosa - Jeongup).
Lodging Room
Quiet and Peaceful Temple Compound
The park was quiet and and the rain had given a lush feel to the surroundings, yet the changing of the colors of the leaves is subtle but noticeable.
Last Day
Tree-line path and the colorful lanterns 
The cafe at the park's entrance was open and the friendly owner greeted us cheerfully. We ordered the cuppuccino again, and it was just as robust and good as the one from the day before.
We boarded the bus to a stoic-faced driver for our journey to Jeongup Bus Terminal.
Last day in temple stay
Park Exit and Bus to Jeongup
I have enjoyed and benefitted from the temple-stay experience and am thankful to the helpful and friendly people running the temple-stay program; the surroundings also provided opportunities for scenic walks. Will I do it again?

Thoughts and Future Templestay
I knew about the Templestay experience (Templestay information)from the Templestay Information Centre in Insadong when I stayed at a hotel there many years ago.  I had wanted to experience it but never made the effort to allocate the time even though I travel to Korea often.
Seoul, Insadong
Templestay Information Centre in Insadong
On my last day in Seoul, I visited the centre again, and took some templestay pamphlets and information sheets. It is easier to look at the temple location on a map, than on the web.
My first templestay gave me the opportunity to venture beyond Seoul, gain a better understanding of Korean culture and religion and also to interact with locals. 
In addition, it eases my concern regarding language difficulties(there are specific temples for foreigners with English speaking guides) and safety as other than the group of four friends, there were also two ladies that did the templestay alone. 
I hope I can have a similarly positive experience should I go for another temple-stay.
Also, it seems like I need to strengthen my core-muscleand bring my exercise-mat as extra cushion if I go for the next stay?

"Time dances past when one forgets to look at it"