South Korea : Naesosa Temple Stay Day 2

The alarm clock chimed at 6a.m.

Morning : Waking up and Activities
We awoke with a startle as S was also standing outside the door, informing us that breakfast is at 6:20am.
"Ouchhhh..." my body was aching all over, groaning but we had to wash-up and adorn the uniform at turbo speed before hurrying to the dining building.
Naesosa Temple
Meal time is strictly observed, and we were the last to arrive. <The locals would most likely have joined the morning ceremony and were punctual for breakfast table">. I actually looked forwards to another vegetarian meal. 

Although the various dishes may look bland, they were tasty <I was amazed that I did not have 'I need meat in my meal' withdrawal syndrome after last night's dinner>. Since no food is to be wasted, I was careful not to take too much, but to go for seconds when I wanted more. <The ache had disappeared by now>
vegetarian meal
Vegetarian breakfast
 The temple complex was quiet and scenic. We walked around the complex before embarking on our climb up the small temple behind the temple complex.
Quiet and peaceful morning temple compound
S told us that the time to the small temple is about a 15-20 minute walk, and also that the temple grows vegetables and sources produces from the local farms.
trekking to small temple
Walking path to Small temple in the mountain
Although the temple seemed far from Naesosa temple, we reached after 20 minutes of walking.
Mountain View
View of Naesosa Temple from the Mountain small temple
The view is alluring with the temple, rolling mountains and seaview. The Korean guests were praying inside the temple. I sat outside the temple and gazed upon the landscape, slowly imprinting it into my memory. They finished their prayers and headed back. We followed behind them, and as we guessed, they went in the direction of the other signage.
Small temple above Naesosa Temple : ground and view
It was a longer walk amidst the slight changing of colors of the different types of trees.
trekking to small temple
Walking path to other temple/building
Before long, a house came into view.
Naesosa Temple : Path and View of the other temple
The view is equally captivating of distant mountains, the sea and the countryside.
Naesosa temple-stay trekking
Mountain View : Sea, farmland and town
It was a good walk. We went back to the room, and I sat by the doorway to watch the temple's visitors. (I was quite puzzled with the large crowd in the park yesterday, I googled and realized that it was a public holiday eve). 

Although it was crowded at the park and main temple ground, the temple-stay compound has an air of serenity and solitude.  It was my favorite spot for reading and silence.
Temple-stay compound
Naesosa temple-stay
Walking Path from Entrance to the temple
Lunch and Afternoon Stroll
As it was a public holiday, the lunch had more selections. It was delicious and wholesome. I went for a second-helping, and a small selective third helping...
Naesosa temple-stay
Tasty lunch
Decided not to trek to the waterfall but to stroll in the park. The weather was cool and sunny. The mind relaxed, free of thought and immersed in the present moment.
Byeonsando National Park, Naesosa Temple
We had our coffee near the entrance of Naesosa Temple. The coffee was so robust and rich. <Oh, I had forgotten about my daily fix of two to three coffees>
Byeonsando National Park Entrance to Naesosa Temple
By late afternoon, the park regained its serenity as the visitors left.
Temple Compound by early evening
Clouds gathered overhead, and the weather forecast predicted rain in the evening.
Temple during sunset
We returned to our room, and sat by the doorway. I had asked S if the residents have similar bedding facilities, and he offered an extra blanket to cushion the wooden floor. 

I declined as TM had said that we should do it to the way the locals did. <Hopefully I am adapting to the hard floor on the second night!>
Quiet Temple Compound after the visitors left
Last Evening and Sleeping
We had our dinner, and opted out of the evening sessions.
We chatted in our room. Before we turned off the lights, I tested if TM was keen to cushion the ground before sleeping.
   "Shall I 'borrow' three seating mats from the tea-room to form a mattress?" 
   "Haha, No lah".

By very early morning (before 4:20am), I regretted my decision of turning down the offer of an extra blanket and the misguided belief that I'd grow accustomed to sleeping on the floor.
<"Shall I lie on the left or right, or does it not matter? "Ouch"  zzzzzzz>
Temple-stay Compound after the rain
The bell rang at 4:20a.m. The room was cool but not cold. zzzzz.  The rain has stopped when we woke up before 5:30am. I did sleep relatively well despite the discomfort.

"Bliss :  free of thoughts and enjoying oneself's company"

On the same trip
Seoul : Something New Amidst the Familiar 
Naesosa Temple Stay Day 1 
Naesosa Temple Stay Day3 and Final Note 
Busan : One Day Trip  
Seoul : Insadong's Michelin Eats