Riding the Indian Pacific Train - Kalgoorlie off train excursion

Day 1 Evening and Kalgoorlie Excursion

We arrived at Kalgoorlie after 8 p.m in the evening.
KCGM super pit Kalgoorlie excursion Indian Pacific Train Australia
Kalgoorlie Excursion : KCGM Visit
From the information booklet, the first off-train excursion was a tour of an open pit gold mine in Kalgoorlie. I wondered if we were able to see much. There were not much information about this excursion.
KCGM super pit Kalgoorlie excursion Indian Pacific Train Australia
Off Train Excursion - Indian Pacific Train
Kalgoorlie off train excursion Indian Pacific Train Australia map
Indian Pacific Train Kalgoorlie Town and Train map
A few coaches were waiting for the train passengers to start the excursion.

Kalgoorlie Town Drive-by

The coach drove through the town, and the driver gave a comprehensive information of the town. (The coach passed through the red-light district. The red lights were still lit-> Business is open as usual). I wondered what a normal day in the town of Kalgoorlie would be like; would it bear some visible marks of a gold mining town?
Indian Pacific off Train excursion
Kalgoorlie Town Indian Pacific Off Train Excursion

KCGM Super Pit Tour

The coach stopped us at the Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines (KCGM) compound.
KCGM super pit Kalgoorlie excursion Indian Pacific Train Australia
Super Pit at Night
We sat through a short play about Paddy Hannan and Clara Saunder and visited the outdoor exhibit, which showcased a gigantic dump truck. It was a cold night and the staff prepared and served hot beverages and drinks while we were in the souvenir shops. So thoughtful!
KCGM Super Pit Kalgoorlie Excursion Indian Pacific Train
We took the coach to the 'Super-Pit. With uncertain expectations, we approached the super-pit viewing deck. The information plate shown below showed us the scale of super-pit.
KCGM super pit Kalgoorlie excursion Indian Pacific Train Australia
KCGM super pit Indian Pacific Train Australia
KCGM super pit Kalgoorlie excursion Indian Pacific Train Australia
KCGM super pit Kalgoorlie excursion Indian Pacific Train Australia
We couldn't wait to peep through the enclosure into the mine. The huge deep pit was lit, and appeared to be a hive of activities with audible machinery and moving trucks.
Vehicular access to the pit was through a road that circled around the pit, taking on the appearance of multiple rings liked you'd see in the bark of a tree. It was quite fascinating to behold but at the same time one can't help but wonder about the dangers of such a narrow road.
KCGM super pit Kalgoorlie excursion Indian Pacific Train Australia
KCGM super pit Indian Pacific Train Australia

End of Excursion

We were ferried back to the train afterwards. After the train pulled out of the station, I remember H.B mentioned about observing the night sky during her trip to the Ghan. We switched off the cabin lights, and looked to the dark sky.
Wow!!! Countless stars illuminated the clear night sky, draping it like a necklace fitted with an endless array of sparkling diamonds. It was a pity that our camera couldn't capture it. Soon, it was time for us to sleep so that we could wake up in time for an outdoor breakfast at Rawlinna.

On the same trip:
Indian Pacific Train Ride:
Day1 :  Perth and Start of Indian Pacific Journey 
             Kalgoorlie Excursion 
Day2 :  Breakfast at Rawlinna 
             Off Train Excursion : Cook 
Day2/3: The journey and the Nullarbor Plain
             Adelaide : Central Market, Chinatown, Walking and Food!
             A city within a Park - Walking Adelaide Oval, North Terrace and Botanic Garden 
             Glenelg : Tram trip from Adelaide to the Beach