Adelaide : A city within a Park - Walking Adelaide Oval, North Terrace and Botanic Garden

After a few days of gloomy weather, the sun decided to be generous with a cloudless sky and cool weather. We walked to the Oval across the bridge by River Torrens and walkway from the hotel.
Adelaide Oval
It was a quiet morning with only a few other tourists and local school excursion. A helpful guide approached and offered to provide a guide of the stadium.
aAdelaide Oval, Adelaide, South Australia
Adelaide Oval, Adelaide, South Australia
The ground evoked both modern architecture grace and retained certain old-world charm.
Adelaide Oval, Adelaide, South Australia
The scoreboard was first used in 1911, and is still used currently. It added to the charm of the stadium. Within the stadium, the visitor centre provided state-of-the-art display of the stadium history and famous players.
Adelaide Oval, Adelaide, South Australia
We wandered around the stadium before continuing our walk.
Adelaide Oval
Wikipedia Adelaide Oval
North Terrace
It is part of the Adelaide Parklands and has a long walkway lines with many historic and beautiful buildings.
North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia
We passed by many beautiful buildings:- State Library of South Australia, the Art Gallery of South Australia and other gracious historic buildings.
North Terrace, Art Gallery of South Australia
The Art Gallery of South Australia
We were looking for information regarding the current exhibits and the cafe that we wanted to have our lunch. A pleasant elderly tour guide offered to show us around the library.
North Terrace, Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide
We gained good insights to the different exhibits, and lunch at the cosy cafe.
Weblink : Art Gallery of South Australia
Botanic Garden
We did a walk to the Garden after our lunch. The weather is sunny yet cool. There were only a few visitors . We did a leisurely walk in the elegant and beautiful ground, visiting the Bicentennial Conservatory and Palm Garden.
Botanic Garden Adelaide, South Australia

Botanic Garden Adelaide, South Australia
Botanic Garden Adelaide, South Australia
Website of Adelaide Botanic Garden
The National Wine Centre
The National Wine Centre was beside the Botanic Garden, and we 'stumbled' upon it when we looked for a cafe to have a break.  It has a public exhibition of the varieties and styles of wine.
The National Wine Centre, Adelaide, South Australia
The coffee and cake were good, and the building has interesting displays for visitors. It was an unexpected worthwhile visit.
The National Wine Centre, Adelaide, South Australia
 National Wine Centre of Australia 

We walked back to our hotel after the coffee break. Unlike other cities where one could be tired and slightly stress by the crowds or orientations, Adelaide's city walk is both refreshing and stress-free. I love the helpfulness of the locals, and the easy-going and gracious environment.
On the same trip:
Indian Pacific Train Ride:
Day1 :  Perth and Start of Indian Pacific Journey 

             Kalgoorlie Excursion 
Day2 :  Breakfast at Rawlinna 
             Off Train Excursion : Cook 
Day2/3: The journey and the Nullarbor Plain
             Adelaide : Central Market, Chinatown, Walking and Food!
             Glenelg : Tram trip from Adelaide to the Beach