2021 : January Walk - Thomson, Sembawang Hotspring and Jurong Walk

Meeting Place: Pioneer MRT, 9:15 A.M, 23 Jan 21
End : Lakeside MRT, ~2pm
Weather: Sunny
Distance: ~17km
Lunch: Ah Er Soup (Thanks STLT!)
Photos: Courtesy of Walkers

Route:Pioneer MRT -> Pioneer Road North -> Jurong West Street 91 -> Nanyang Drive -> Yunnan Garden@NTU -> Jurong West Street 91 - Pioneer Road North - Jurong West Street 61 -> Jurong Lake Park -> Yung Ho Road -> Jurong Superbowl

Yunnan Garden@NTU
Built in the 1950s, Yunnan Garden has been revamped into a beautiful, manicured garden, with lakes and waterfall, set amongst NTU's original landscape and architecture of Chinese pavilions and the former Nanyang University Administration Building (now the Chinese Heritage Centre). 
[Nanyang University as it was formerly known, was the first and only Chinese university outside China, and founded by overseas Chinese]

Worth Visiting Again? : 😊😊 [but a bit out of the way]

Jurong Lakeside Garden
Jurong Lakeside Garden encompasses a huge patch of greenery in the heartlands of Jurong. It has a pretty mild landscape, with a few unique features to distinguish itself. All the entrances are along Yuan Ching Road. 
There seemed to be a few ongoing renovations within the park. Hopefully, they are working to construct more entrances along Boon Lay Way and Ayer Rajah Expressway. 

Worth Visiting Again : 😏 Maybe not until there are entrances along Boon Lay Way?


Over our many walks, not only have our stamina and pacing improved, the quality of photographs taken seems also to have arisen.
.. There's interest to do another 50km walk, SURE 😲😊?!
... Since we have walked the North and West of Singapore, let's do our next walk in the East?
.... I passed over the chance to walk to Jurong Hill Park 😑

Meeting Place: Casuarina Road (YioChuKang MRT), 7:30 A.M. , 16 Jan 21
End: Sembawang Hotspring Park (Yishun MRT), ~1:30 P.M.
Distance: ~19km
Weather: Sunny
Lunch: Sum Kee, Sembawang (Thanks OK+EW)
Photos: Courtesy of walkers
Route: Casurina Road -> Old Upper Thomson Road _> Pierce Reservoir -> Thomson Nature Park -> Upper Thomson Road -> Sembawang Road

Thomson Nature Park/Old Hainan Village ruins
A pleasant walk around the former village's road network, with several ruins amongst the forest. 
The park was less crowded and quieter compared to Peirce Reservoir Park, that we had just walked from, and it was good to be walking with the group again. 
Worth Visiting: 😊

Sembawang Hotspring Park
The walk from the park's entrance was pleasant. We passed by a nice cafe and a bridge over a canal. However, the hot spring area was a little unsightly, of concrete pools and taps.
Since it's currently the only hot spring in Singapore, it would be nice if the park were expanded in the future with more pools, greenery and resting areas. 
Worth Visiting? 😑 

Companions along the way
- Sentosa/Jurong Hill part of future walks?
- To walk SG half-marathon at the end of the year (but to register for full marathon) this year?
- To do cherry blossom and walk half-marathon (since it is around April) in Seoul next year?