Taxi Ride to Tokyo Toyosu Fish Market

We finally decided to do a visit to Toyosu market to watch the Tuna Auction. We planned to take a taxi at about 5am from Shinjuku, and to be there before 5:30am

~ 5 am: We used 'Didi' to call for a taxi, and within minutes, the taxi arrived at the front of the hotel.  Tokyo was quiet, and the early morning sun could be seen when we crossed the bridge.

When we arrived, both the taxi driver and TP had problem confirming whether the fare was paid. It seemed the taxi driver was quite new to Didi. After checking his application, he acknowledged that it was okay and drove off.  [Actually, the payment via Credit Card has been rejected because of TP's credit card. We realized the rejection after our visit and used another credit card to settle the fare Thus, the taxi driver possibly not wanting to delay us, assumed that the fare has been settled. Kudos to his service attitude!].

~5:30am :There was already other visitors when we reached the Observation Window viewing area. The auction hall is huge with rows of tunas displayed on the floor [So many tunas are sold daily??]! A hive of activities could be seen but we could not hear any sound [What a waste!].

A small slice of the tuna is placed on top of each tuna for the potential buyer to inspect. The buyers milled around the different tunas to check on the quality.

Different sections of the auction halls started their auctions at different timing. The auctioneer could be seen gesturing as the bidders(with yellow tags on their cap?)  placed their bids.

It was interesting to watch the auctions. It would be more interesting if we had booked earlier for a slot at the Tuna Auction Observation Deck on the lower floor that is exposed to the noise and temperature of the auction hall.

The Auctioned tuna could be seen carted away by the turret carts.

~6:20am: We left the viewing area and proceeded to the Intermediate Whole Market Building's Restaurant Area for breakfast. The corridors leading to the Restaurants have many interesting displays and information.

The different types of fish for the four seasons.

Some of the popular restaurants were full and with queues. We had our sushi breakfast in one of the less crowded restaurant.

After breakfast, we walked by the Wholesale Market Observation Windows to get a restricted glimpse of the market floor [Off-limit to tourists]. We also walked around the Uogashi Yokocho Market shopping area before taking the train back to the hotel.

It was quite an interesting visit. Unlike my previous Tsujiki market  with its busy hives of activities with many stores, restaurants and stalls enticing people for revisit, hopefully Toyosu Fish market can have similar vibes in the future.

Useful Links
Japan-Guide : Toyosu Market
Wikipedia : Toyosu Market