Walking Nikko Kogen Waterfall, Kanmangafuchi Abyss and Temples

Weather : Rainy
It was our final day in Nikko. Although the weather was moody, I still wanted to have a good experience visiting the Kogen Falls, the Kanmangafuchi Abyss and the temples.
Kogen Fall
The Kogen Falls is one of the most well-known waterfalls in Japan. We had seen it from the cable car viewpoint the day before. We would be viewing it up front and close by taking the elevator to the viewing platform at the base of the fall.

There was a large group of students on a school excursion in Nikko. Fortunately, the lift operator gave priority to individual travelers to take the lift to the bottom of the fall. Although it was raining, the Kogen Falls was still splendidly beautiful while looking from under the umbrella. I loved the multiple cascading smaller streams by the side of the main waterfall.

Even with the grey weather, different viewpoints gave the falls different shades of colour.

After the visit to the falls, we walked to the lake, but gave the ferry ride around the lake a miss. The weather was simply too misty and cloudy to see anything while on the lake. We then caught the bus to the Abbys.
Kanmangafuchi Abyss
One of the deciding factors in coming to Nikko was the statues along the Kanmangafuchi Abyss. I was totally taken by the mystic, red-capped and scarfed statues along the river bank.

Our challenge (and dispute) was deciding where to start the walk. We decided to take the bus to Jiunji Temple, and then to walk the Abyss from there.

The rain had gotten heavier, and our shoes were soaked. However, the rain did not stop the excitement I felt when I got a first glimpse of the statue. They were lined up continuously beside the path by the gorge, which definitely made for a strange and unique sight.

What awed me other than the statues was the powerful water gushing through the gorges. I believe the rain has added strength and volume to it. The sound was rather thunderous. I treaded carefully and made sure that I would not be too close to the edge.

I wondered if anyone would walk the path at night.

We crossed a wooden bridge to continue walking the path, and to see more of the mysterious statues.

After walking another stretch, we headed back to the direction we came from.

Each statue seems to have its own unique expression.

We took a break at the cafe that was located at the entrance of the Abyss. The food was tasty, and we ordered almost every item on the menu.

The meal has chased away some of the 'moodiness' of my wet shoes and attire. I was ready to proceed to the temples.
Shinkyo Bridge
We saw the bridge as we walked towards towns from the Abyss, heading for the temples.

It did not seem impressive as we approached it. However, the bridge's beauty emerged when seen from the front, where it connects the two sides of the gorges with the mountains as the backdrop.

Nikko Temples
There are many famous and beautiful temples in Nikko.

We visited the Nikko Toshogu Shrine, and the towering and colorful five-story pagoda.

The Yomeimon Gate is definitely one of the most lavishly decorated gate that I have ever seen.

One of the must-see sites for me was the well-known "See no evil, Speak no Evil, Hear no evil" carvings on the shrine. The other carvings were equally interesting.

We also visited the Futarasan-jinja Shrine, and passed through the gate leading to the main shrine.

After visiting the temples, we walked back to Nikko Train station.

It was good that we could cover all the sights that we planned for the day.
On the same trip:
Nikko 3-Days of Travel and Walking 
Walking the Ryuokyo Canyon 
A Ryokan Experience in Honke Bankyu Ryokan 
Walking from Ryuzu Fall, Senjogahara to Yumoto-Onsen