Cape Town to Antananarivo PB116 Day 76 -81

Mainly photos
Day 1 : Cape Town, South Africa
Day 2-4 : Cape Town - Zimbabwe - Cape Town
Day 5 : Cape Town - Johannesburg
Day 6 : Johannesburg - Antananarivo
Day 1:  Cape Town, South Africa 

Our original schedule was Victoria Falls - Cape Town - Port Elizabeth - Peach Boat. However, we missed our flight from Cape Town to Port Elizabeth owing to the delay in Victoria Airport.  We had failed to rejoin the boat at Port Elizabeth. As scheduled, it set sailed for 3 days to Toliara in Madagascar. 
According to the agent, we would stay for two nights in Cape Town, and then fly to the capital of Madagascar - Antananarviro to take a domestic flight to Toliara to rejoin the boat.
<<Well, two nights in Cape Town would allow me to do a bit of laundry>> . Also, we would be visiting Cape Point and the penguin colony the next day.
Day 5 - Cape Town - Johannesburg
We were told that we would be flying to Johannesburg after the Cape Point tour in the afternoon. A mad dash to the room to pack the luggage. <<Gosh, my socks and T-shirts were still damp, gotto just place them in plastic bag and stuff into the backpack>>. 
Cape Point
The prefabricated cast iron tower was erected on Cape Point Peark 249m above sea level. The white flashing light of 2000 candlepower could be seen by ships 67km out to sea. The lighthouse proved to be ineffective as it was often covered by cloid and mist. After the wreck of the Portuguese line "Lusitania" in 1911, it was decided to ereect the present lighthouse on Dias Pint below 87m above sea level.
Penguin Colony
Cape Town - Johannesburg
Day 6 Johannesburg - Antananaviro
Departure for Johannesburg
Almost nobody (not me) knows the itinerary to get to Toliara. 

Other information