Pandemic : Home AT LAST

  Argentina has closed its borders with the US and Europe on 13 March. 

Day1 - Heading to Port - Sat 14 Mar (Day 13 on board the ship)
<< South Georgia - Falkland(Denied) - 4.5 days to Port Madryn(Denied) - 3.5 days Ushuaia >>
<<Surprised, Disappointed, uncertainty but believe that things would be ok>
Just after the BBQ lunch, we were assembled at the lecture theatre and Sam announced that Falklands had denied all shore access including the un-inhabited islands that we were were sailing to. The ship would instead sail 4.5 days to Puerto Madryn.
There was disappointment all around but a clear sense of anxiousness could be felt. A limited internet access were given free.

[What are other options? We were all 'trapped' in the same situation]

After lunch, I did a sauna before going back to the cabin. 

At 6 p.m, It was announced that Puerto Madryn had also denied port access, in addition to Uruguary Port in Montevideo. The ship was  to sail 3.5 days to Usuhuaia. 

I asked Ju to email the Singapore Embassy about my whereabout.

I started reading "The memoir of Sherlock Holmes"

[Had downloaded many free ebooks to fill the iPad ebook bookshelf but had never read any until today]

Day 2 - Sunday 15 Mar (Day14)
<< On way to Ushuaia (Denied) - changed course: 4 days to Buenos Aires, cabin isolation  >>
<<Surprised, Worried, Uncertainty... as the situation turned for the worse...>>
Wanted to do the usual sailing routine of getting up early, head to the lounge for a morning coffee, take a photo from the deck and the bridge. However, the bridge was closed to isolate the sea-crew. There was nobody at the lounge. 
[A sensible decision although I'm quite sure nobody is infected with Covid since we had already sailed for 14 days]

After breakfast, we filled an Argentinian form on past 30 days of travel for submission. I planted myself at Deck 7 lounge to scribble note and to continue reading. 

The memoir of Sherlock Holmes was interesting but the 'joy' of flipping through the pages, and to feel the progress by the thickness of the book was missing. Also, I had the challenge to focus on the details of how Holmes and Watson solved the mystery. The mind was restless.

[Maybe, I should switch to 'The Lost World' or should I select a Chinese book?]

During lunch, a passenger smashed the drinking glasses on the floor as he complained that his cabin's Aircon was off. The reason being his room-mate with a fever is in the cabin.

In the afternoon, the ship would change course and sail 4 days(ETA 19 March)  to Buenos Aires Port instead because Usuhuaia had also denied port access

A later announcement that we were required to stay in our cabin and meals would be served, there would be two outdoor break (one morning and afternoon) by colour group. 
[The request to stay within the cabin was mostly by the Argentinian authority]

We were given slips of paper to select our meal. 

I tried to not to think more as I lay on the bed to read [Where's shelock ?], and to scribble notes in Pages.

Day 3 - Monday 16 March (Day 15)
<< South Atlantic Ocean: 3 days to Buenos Aires, within Cabin, outside break time>>
<<Trying hard to stay positive..>

5+am. I gazed out of the window as the ship sailed at full speed. It would land with a dull boom sound whenever it 'rode' the wave and landed back onto the water. I gazed at the still dark sky to see the stars above.  An airplane light seemed to flicker in the sky... ? 
[It's probably a star since the ship is in the middle of the vast South Atlantic Ocean. Which flight would fly by???]

The server/crew served the beverage+water followed by breakfast. 
[It was a tough job indeed to serve the food as the ship rolled, and also maintaining their cheerful deposition]

After breakfast, it was a  long wait for the outdoor break to walk and a quick chat , especially with Joyce, MS and the other Taiwanese passengers, Helen (from NY) and the Korean couple, Kim. 

The outdoor break was THE HIGHLIGHT of the day, away from the confined space and to catch-up with others

[I am especially glad that Joyce, Helen and Kim are in the RED GROUP] 

[I'm not sure if they wanted to chat with me, but I 'leeched' onto them to just chat, asked for updates, and also to share advice and options... the peril of being a lone Singaporean passenger...]

Back to the cabin, I switched to reading ' Round the world in 80 days'. 

We almost did not get our  lunch and tea break. 
[There are passengers who had special requests - no garlic, vegan??? so our meals were missed/mixed up?] 

[The wait for the 4pm outdoor break...]

After dinner, Helen phoned about a tiff over dinner with the roommate. 

By then, I realised that there were many solo travellers on the ship grouped together in double cabin. 

Although the internet was patchy, I could WeChat and WA(more problematic). 'RJ-we'll never walk alone' group texted their walk and dinner. 

[It was a dilemma whether to position the current predicament as an adventure or in-great-trouble...] 

I sent a short neutral(?) text and that I had slight difficulty with WA but OK to Wechat.

Quickly, HP weChat me and initiated checking various contacts for information/help, and also emailed MFA again. There were a few MFA contacts on the website but the email contact that Ju used was outdated.

I lay on the bed, and remembered my joke before the trip as the virus infection was getting serious. The worst outcome of the trip would be being thrown overboard? Haha
['GOSH, the ocean is SO VAST!']
Day 4 - Tuesday 17 March (Day 16)
<< South Atlantic Ocean: 2 days to Buenos Aires, NO outside break time in the morning>>
<< Mood - Calm - Down, Positive -Hopeful - Drained >>
5am+ : Gazed out the window to look at the stars, and also spotted the 'airplane' light.
At 9:45am, It was announced that outdoor break would be cancelled.
[The only thing to look forward were lunch, tea break and dinner]
The ship rocked more as it sailed at its top speed towards Buenos Aires. There was nothing to do but to continue reading. 

Helen called via the room phone to say that the roommate has moved out of the room. 
[There were already minor conflicts before]

[How bad could the situation be?!]

Joyce texted about the possibility of getting off the ship by 21 March, and asked if I would like to try booking tickets. They would consider booking on flight from Buenos Airies from 21 March. 
[J's group was in constant contact with the Taiwan's Consulate Office in Buenos Aires, and also information from the crew]

I quickly texted Kee to book Air NZ flight from 21 Mar onwards, and managed to confirm the 22 March flight and obtained the NZ visa too 
[The airfare was too expensive... ]

I did some washing as an activity even though I should had enough attire to last till 19 March. 

There were a few announcement: 
~ Afternoon outdoor break was allowed again except for those with flu. 
~ Possible port docking at Montevideo in Uruguay, instead of Argentina
When it was 4pm, I did not rush out immediately. When I was at the deck, the wind was strong and I kept my social distancing. I stood by the rail, the ship was still in the vast ocean with nothing in sight. Another 1 1/2 days of sailing before I could be land.

[The weather is less freezing as the ship continued it northern route]

I chose Chilean Salmon for Dinner as I assumed I have been having mostly Norweigian/NZ Salmon, and it was good to have a change.
I continued with Fogg's adventure round the World in 80days before I tried to sleep.

I am glad that there's a Singapore embassy in Buenos Aires now
[Unlike my first trip when I lost my day-pack in Buenos Aires, and having no one to turn to. Fortunately, Kee was able to contact his embassy for help]

Day 5 - Wednesday, 18 March (Day 17)
<< South Atlantic Ocean: 1 day to Buenos Aires - Outside Buenos Aires Port , No internet access, Airlines cancelling international flights >>
<< Mood - Down - More certainty - Uncertainty>>

5+am: There was no text from WeChat/WA, no stars in the sky and the sea was calmer.

Before breakfast announcement 
  - Internet access was blocked to prevent more social media posting
  - To get luggage ready in case of short notice to land the next day

After breakfast, Announcement:
  - A chartered flight is being arranged to fly from Buenos Aires to Sydney for us$2500. We would need to register our interest for this option. 

I joined the T-group to discuss the option, and I registered for the chartered flight. 
[I gotta seized whatever limited option available]

I completed reading 'Around the World in 80 days' and started reading '1984'.
[Was 1984 so depressing what I first read it many years ago?]

I did a final packing of the luggage, putting away the waterproof pants, a sweater, socks to lighten my luggage. 

Walked around the deck again as I was not keen to read. 
[I must make sure to have more lighthearted/comical books in e-library and good dramas for next trip!]

9pm: Air NZ and other airlines cancelled their international flights.
[The pandemic situations has further worsened]

The ship queued outside the port, and the expected date of Landing : 22March.

11pm: Given forms to fill for landing, travel declarations, etc, and provided credit card information for the chartered flight, and also details to book direct flights to home. 

I called Joyce via the ship phone, and they would be taking the chartered flight as well. I asked to isolate/quarantine with them if need be. 
Day 6 - Thursday 19 March (Day 18)
<< International Water - Outside of Buenos Aires Port  >>
<< Now what? >>
1am+ : My Air NZ was confirmed cancelled. I did a few texts [it's daytime half-a-world-away.
8am+: Got more text (Thanks!) and I decided to send short not-too-depressing texts to them.
[Any lengthy text about the situation would be detrimental to both; whatever was happening are updated itinerary change to my travel....]

~9am: Passengers were requested to take showers and not used the bath 
[Reason: Since the ship has anchored, the salt to fresh water conversion device was less efficient?! or did I hear incorrectly?]

One text has stated Australia has banned entry of foreigners
[What impact would it have on the chartered flight?]

Had a nice lunch of oriental noodle with shrimp [Red-cut chilli with soy sauce would have been perfect].

1984 is too depressing... and I thought about my walk along Commonwealth Avenue. So I missed the most ordinary of activity...
[Should I change to reading Sherlock Holmes instead of 1984?.....]
Made the utmost effort to empty the mind and not to 'churn' scenarios...
I could spend extended period in South America, will book into the best hotel in either Buenos Aires or Montevideo, there is no sg embassy in Uruguay... >>
Day 7 - Friday, 20 March (Day 19)
<< International Water - Outside of Buenos Aires Port (Denied) - Outside Montevideo Port , Argentina lockdown and banned entry, no more isolation in the cabin>>
<< it’s getting seriously bad, I am half and world away fro  home, no direct flight >>
5+am : The new crescent moon and the light of the nearby ships could be seen from the window. [We are not so alone anymore]
Got text that Argentina has gone into a lockdown since last night until 1st April.
After breakfast, it was announced that Australia has banned the entry of foreigners. Thus the chartered flight option was opened only to the Australian/NZ passengers (~75% of the passengers).
[Surprisingly, it doesn’t matter much as I have half expected it.]

We were informed that the rest of the passengers would probably go to a hotel in Buenos Aires.
[It would be a huge step forward, as long as I could go onto land. It would be ok to remain in Buenos Aires until 1st April, and then try to travel by whichever means to go home]

A small morning gathering outside deck 7 to chat about our predicament. The Taiwanese were in contact and getting updates from its consulate in Buenos Aires. The Korean Embassy would send a daily text about keeping healthy and general updates.  

3pm~: It seemed that we might be able to dock on 22Mar. I quickly paid for a satellite phone slip for making international call, and asked Kee to book flight on 22March.

5pm~: Another assemble in the theatre, and there was a long updates, and other passengers queries and speech. Then, it was announced that Buenos Aires had banned entry to international vessels' passengers
[I was utterly frustrated, so much empty talks]

The ship sailed to to outside Montevideo Port (Uruguay).
I stopped reading 1984
Day 8 - Saturday, 21 Mar (Day 20)
<< Outside Montevideo Port; American+Canadian to sail to Florida on Coral Princess>>
[In times of crisis, America (with power), China(with Money); who are you?]
After breakfast, I walked around the top deck, and Miao said that they would be doing exercise on Deck 9. I went to Deck 9 and it was so sunny and hot. I decided against the exercise and stood in the shade of the
More ships were anchoring outside Montevideo and I could also see Montevideo in the distance. 
3+pm, the ship has sailed to outside Montevideo Port. 
[Do I need to change of MFA contact from Buenos Aires to Uruguay? But, there's no Singapore Embassy in Uruguay. The embassy incharge of Uruguay is Vietnam? The information was not updated for sure?]
Tugged boats loaded supplies for the ship.
~ 5+pm: An urgent meeting was called and it was announced that the American and Canadian have the option to go board the Coral Princess ship, and then to sail to Florida the next day. They would have until 7:30pm to make a decision. 

All the American and Canadian would be leaving the ship for Coral Princess the next morning.

The expedition Leader would also leave for Coral Princess, and would hand the role to another staff.
[Was I shocked? Yes and No.]
Both Joyce and Helen were from the RED group. Usually, if I was not by myself, I would be having meal/shore excursion with either Joyce or Helen. 

9+pm: I went to look for Joyce and Helen. A round of hugs and I would miss them. 

[I had a restless sleep because I wanted to wake up at 5 am to bid my farewell to them again... ]
Day 9 - Sunday, 22 March (Day 21)
<< Outside Montevideo>>
<<  >>

1+am~ : I looked out of the window, and saw the stars and a seagull?There was also a long white line out into the sea. Was it to secure the ship? But it was too thin... I doze off again.

5+am: I went to Helen room, and then we went to the reception area together. Only a few passengers were there and there was a sober atmosphere. Then Asil, one of the staff said that Coral Princess boarding has been denied. It was a shocking and devastating news.

[Apparently, Mas was so disappointed to meet to convey the news. GOSH 😠]

After breakfast, I went to the bridge because it was shaded and also less windy. One of the sea crew came out and looked over the side. I did so too and realised that there were two fishing lines and he was checking if any fish had been caught.
[They were jovial as if it was one of their usual working day. I felt more at ease]

I went back to the deck after lunch. The temperature is about 20C and the weather was great.

[I could assume that it was an extended South America cruise holiday? Hmmm, no thanks]

5+pm: We were informed that Kul had hold tickets for our flight assuming that we could depart from Montevideo.

Other than the Australian/NZ by chartered flight, the sequence of departure were:
(1) 24 March : US/Canadian crews (!!!???),
(2) European Crews,
(3) US/Canadian passengers, 
(4) European passengers
(5) Asian crews and passengers

[Is this the modern Sea evacuation protocol? The highest priority to the staff (who happened to be the easiest to get the international flights. Then, the lowest priority to those who would be the most challenging to evacuate having to do multiple connections across half the world?!]

7+pm: We were given our flight details to check for accuracy. I would be flying from Montevideo  , Suo Paulo, Qatar and onwards to Singapore.  After a round of discussion, I submitted my copy at 9pm.

[The ship excursion was booked by a tour operator, and the ship was run by another operator. From my understanding, the hospitality group and the sea crews are from another company. ]
[Booking of air tickets for passengers are by Ek, while the cruise operator's are done by their company.]
Day 10 - Monday, 23 March (Day 22)
<< Outside Montevideo Port >>
<< >>

The ticket details with the price (~$4.8k) was given to each passenger. The itinerary has changed too - Montevideo to Rio Janerio, Sau Paulo (Domestic), Sau Paulo(International) to Qatar. 
[Am I able to get out of the domestic airport to go to the International Airport?]

We were to provide payment by 9pm. Helen was not keen to get the ticket as she could book a more direct route and lower cost. 

Joyce said to try to book our own ticket as we might be allowed to disembark on 25 March. I asked Kee to check for alternative flights and managed to book Montevideo-Sau Paulo - London - Singapore.
[I would very much wanted to fly from London to Singapore by SIA. However, it was at a different terminal from BA. I would not want to risk being stranded in Heathrow.]

8+pm: We were informed not to make payment

11~ pm: It was announced that the ship could dock at 5am the next day. A pilot boat would bring the ship into port. 

Ju subscribed to Singtel Uruguay plan for my mobile.

I asked Kee not to cancel my flight yet. 

[Most flights fly to Sau Paulo for connections to other airports]
Day 11 - Tuesday, 24 March (Day 23)
<< Anchored at Montevideo Port, a small country with a HUGE HEART >>
<< Submitted ticket>>
6+am. The ship docked and the US and Canadian crew and the Israeli couple left the ship at 9am.
[I did not go to the exit to bid farewell...] 
10am: There was a briefing about the effort and help to fly us back home. We were to wait for our individual briefing in the evening. 
There were talks that the Uruguay immigration would allow disembarkation as long as we were able to produce our confirmed flight details.
I approached the reception that I had a confirmed flight. She said that I had to send the flight details to the email account by 1pm. Helen said to submit and try. 
I hurried to the lounge to access the notebook to send my flight details via email. Coincidentally, Kim was also in the lounge and I asked him to help log-out of my email ac as I dashed to the control room to ensure that my flight details had been received and in time to get into the Custom Manifest for tomorrow's departure.
Some of the Taiwanese passengers had also been booked on tomorrow's morning flight too. 
A morning briefing had been arranged for those who would be leaving the ship.
The passengers had an invisible barrier of whether we booked our own flights or thru Ek. 

Day 12 - 25Mar, Wednesday (Day 24)
<< Montevideo Port - Montevideo Airport - Sau Paulo 
<< >>
The morning flights have been cancelled! 
It seemed that the morning briefing was about the cancelled flight, and the risks of not booking through them. I was asked what's my route.
The evening flight was still ok. I checked around the room and my luggage to ensure all were in order [not with 100% certainty that I would be able to go off]
T.T was calmly drawing his picture in the lounge, and I joined in the few people looking at his drawing process. 
I received a text to settle my expenses at the reception area! Whoa, at last a more concrete signal that I could leave the ship. 
[My heart beat rate increased] I hastily went to the reception area to close my account.
At 1+ pm, I took my luggage out from my cabin to the reception area. Joyce and friends and Helen were there too, and we had a hug all round when the gangway door opened! 

I queued right at the front of the gangway, and Ab gave me a fast mask and a pair of rubber glove for wearing. And I stepped out onto the gangway!

There was a roar of cheers, and I realised that many of the passengers were on the different decks. I saw Joyce and friends, and we waved

An Uruguayan official ticked off my name from his list, directed me to the coach and loaded my luggage into the luggage compartment. I was directed to the coach to load my luggage onto the holding area,

As I boarded the coach, the driver instructed us to sit alternate row from the next passengers. One by one the European crew emerged from the ship and boarded the coach. Other than me, another American passenger was also taking the flight. 

I looked out to Joyce and her friends, and I realised that the most touching sight of my entire trip was the friends I got acquainted, helped and accompanied me in this trip. ηœŸζ˜―ζ‚£ιšΎθ§ηœŸζƒ…。

Passengers from another two cruises were also boarding their coaches to go to the airport. 

Then the coach's door closed, and the three coaches were escorted by traffic police on our way to the airport. I had wanted to visit Uruguay after the Antarctic trip, but I am contented with a coach tour from the port to the airport for now. 

[I will visit Uruguay in my next South America Trip. 

I received a new text, and it was from the .....

We arrived at the airport, alighted from the coach, entered the airport for immigration.There was a television station interviewing the people in the queue. Although I avoided the interviewer's gaze as she searched for an interviewee, I had really wanted to say a heartfelt thank you to the Uruguay government and the ..... 

I bought T-shirts, and from the souvenir store, and then I boarded the plane for Sau Paulo. 

I cleared immigration, and stepped into the arrival hall. I made my way to the departure hall, and I saw that Starbucks was still opened! 

The flight to London was the next day, and I would have to spend the night in the airport (not since more than 30 years ago when I needed to catch a morning flight in Healthrow), and I had tell myself never would I do it again but to pay for a hotel room (Never say never...)

By late night fall, most of the passengers have caught their connecting flights out of Sau Paulo. There were just a few passengers, trying to make the best out of the bench to doze but not sleep. 
Day 13 - 26 March, Sau Paulo (Countdown to home - Day 1)
<< Sau Paulo - London  >>
<< >
I had another Starbucks breadkfast. looked out to Sau Paulo from the huge airport window, keen to step out to take some photos yet wary. [It's preferable that I stayed within the safe confine of the airport]

The shops opened. There were many soccer items but I am no soccer fans. I bought a friedge magnet in appreciation of the airport being opened for the stranded travellers to connect flights. 

I checked in, and then had a Japanese lunch at the cafeteria. I wanted very much to feel normal again against the totally unknown pandemic environment. I boarded the flight, and as I gazed out of the window, I hope my friends on board the ship had safely left for the airport. 
~ boarded the flight to London 
Day 14 - 27 March, London(Countdown to home - Day 2 - 3)
The flight arrived at Healthrow airport, and the usual bustling and busy airport was very quiet with almost all the shop closed. 
Day 15, 28 March, Singapore (Countdown to home - Day 3)
The plane landed in Changi Airport! There were initial confusion whether we needed to fill more forms. We were put onto bus and ferried to Holiday Inn to start our 14 days quarantine.

... to be continue