Barcelona Walking

When I did the University's 35Days Europe Tour during my second year, it was such a touch-and-go affair that very few prominent landmarks still reside in my mind. 

The few memorable ones are the Basilia de la Sagrade Famila and Monsterrat.

<Photos only>
Basilia de la Sagrada Familia

View from the landing 
On-going Construction
La Rambla

Parc Guell: Gaudi Surrealist Park
Random Walks
La Barcelona

Ciutadella Park and neighbourhood
Place d'Espanya
 Scenic Views Monjuic

Barcelona has changed much.
I would like to travel in Spain again. It has so much to offer. 

My other rather vivid memory of Spain is also the coach/tour bus driver's belonging being stolen in Madrid, and the dinner's show performance when an ex-thief demonstrated how he could just about steal anything from someone (an audience volunteered). It will be interesting to walk Spain again.