Tokyo : Nezu Shrine, Harujuku, Shinjuku evening

Nezu Shrine
We took a long walk to Nezu Shrine (Bunkyo ward) from Ueno Park.
Nezu Shrine Torii Tokyo Japan Bunkyo ward
Nezu Shrine Torii
It was a really serene place, and upon reaching the place, the torii forming a tunnel-like passageway will definitely catch your eye. The long chain of torii leads to the viewing platform. I enjoyed walking through the arches and strolling in the compound.
It was relatively quiet and not trampled upon by hordes of tourists, thus giving us a relaxing walk. After visiting the Nezu shrine, we had a nice udon lunch in a small udon shop. A queue formed outside the shop during lunch time.
(Customers 'shift' table to provide vacant seats for queueing customers, and tables are kept free until the right number is available for the next customer in the queue. Good system!)
Nezu-Jinja Shrine : Travel Japan - Japan National Tourism JNTO
Nezu-jinja Shrine : The official Tokyo Guide

Harujuku is the centre of Japanese teenage culture and fashion. Shops and cafes abound while luxury, local, boutiques and second-hand shops can be found along every street. I found the colorful facades of the various buildings fascinating and the cafe staff adorning 'Lolita' style attire along the streets was interesting and cute.
It was an interesting walk although we were not fans of anime or being in the 'right' era ;).
Some Information on Harujuku

Shinjuku Evening Walk
Shinjuku station is so huge. Every entrance from the station leads to somewhere interesting or totally unexpected! We walked along the perimeter of the station to capture the different sights and sounds of the bustling district.

I shall walk the entire perimeter if it is possible on my next trip! :)

Going Off
Do follow the sign to get to the NEX platform for the airport trip!

Every Japan trip is different and interesting. I shall visit Japan again...

"Who to define beauty, but yourself" ~ travelbooklet

On the Same Trip: 
Cherry Blossom 
Tokyo Observation Decks