Johor Bahru Durian, Shopping and Food Day Trip

Johor Bahru Day Trip
A day trip to JB with ex-classmates.

Getting there
6:25am : Farrer Station
All arrived except the coach/van...

7:30am : The organizer decided to abandon the wait for the van and to travel to Johore Bahru in 2 cars via the 2nd Link. Informed the lone awaiting HP in Marsiling MRT to go to JE MRT.
Coach driver called to apologize that he had overslept.

~8:45am : Decided to park both cars in Jurong Point, and to take the coach to JB.

~9:45am: We crossed the 2nd Link.
Coach Waiting Bay, 2nd Link (Malaysia)
Food: DimSum
~10:30am : Arrived at the Chinese DimSum shop.  Famished so no one remembered to take photos!
A nice cup of coffee would be ideal before heading north for the Durian.

Food: Coffee
~11:30am : Good Coffee Cafe
Good kopi in an air-conditioned cafe.
Good Coffee Cafe
Buy Food: Buns
~12 noon: Verbena Pastry
Sutrea Mall to pick up some buns before the 1 hour journey for our Durian Lunch.
The Bakery
Sutrea Mall
Food: Durian
~1:45pm : Durian Stall
We arrived at the 'plantation', a roadside stall along the road to Yong Peng.
The Van by the roadside
Durian Pricing
Unfortunately, the stall did not have King of Kings and Teka, so we had 4-5 Musang and D24 instead.
Durian Makan
Paying for the durian
~2:20pm : We had enough durian.
We agreed that the durian would be the hefty appetizer before a light lunch.
Ever accommodative, the organizer recommended going to Yong Peng town for Fishball noodles.
Food : Fish Ball Noodle
~2:45pm : We arrived at Yong Peng, and headed to the recommended fishball noodle shop.

Shopping: Buy Titbits
~3:45pm On the way back to Johore Bahru, we stopped by a food outlet for a quick shopping spree.

Back to Johore Bahru
~5pm : Nearby Sutrea Mall for a massage

Food: Peking Restaurant
~6:30pm : Managed to get a table for dinner at Peking restaurant where we ate an assortment of seafood - oyster, shark's fin etc. Overall, a nice meal!

Getting Back
We walked for about 1/2 hour in Sutrea Mall before heading to the organizer's house to split our pre-ordered otah and mochi.

~9:30pm : Started our journey back to Singapore.
The custom clearance was surprisingly fast!

~10:45pm : Back Home.

It was a good trip, thanks to the organizer and friends. :)