Tromso and Start of Hurtigruten Cruise : Hunting the Northern Lights (2016)

Europe and Hunting the Northern Light in Norway
After unsuccessful attempts to chase the Northern Lights in Iceland, we decided to try again in 2016.
Possible destinations that we considered : Iceland, Norway and Finland. We decided on Norway so that we could take it easy onboard one of their famous cruises. Since our objective is to chase the Northern Lights, we booked a 4days/3Nights Tromso-Kirkenes-Tromso cruise that sailed above the arctic circle.

Day1: Oslo -Tromso, Temperature above 0C, Cloudly

Tromso to start hurtigruten cruise : Chasing the northern lights
View of Tromso from the air
With cloudy and rainy weather, there was no way to see the lights in the evening. We wandered around the town centre, and drank coffee, and then dinner before calling it a day.

Day2: Tromso

We took a cab to the Arctic Cathedral in the early morning.
Tromso Town and Tromso bridge as seen from Arctic Cathedral
Part view of the Cathedral and surrounding    

From there, we walked to the Fjellheisen Aerial Tramway to take the tram to the mountain.
Top of Fjellheisen Aerial Tramway with signage post
Signage and View from top of tramway
View of Tromso from Fjellheisen, Norway, Hunting the northern lights
View of Tromso from Fjellheisen    
It was a worthwhile trip to the mountain. We took and the tram down and walked across the Tromso bridge to go back to town.
Tromso Bridge view of Tromso, Norway
View from Tromso Bridge    
We also visited the Polarmuseet museum.
Polarmuseet Museum, Tromso, Norway
Polarmuseet Museum    
After wandering around the town after the museum visit, we decided to book for a husky-dog sledding since we were already in Tromso and had nothing to do in the evening. We managed to book a slot for the evening.
Day 2 Evening : Dog-sledding 
After being picked up at the town centre, we arrived at the dog-sled compound, geared up, and got onto the sled with a guide and about 10-sled dogs. The weather was wet and still rainy.
Tromso dog-sledding, Dog compound, Norway
Buddy System Dog Compound    
Unfortunately, we didn't get the view you'd see in brochures that show pictures of sled dogs against northern lights and the guests with happy smiling faces, because the weather was cold, cloudy, and rainy.
Tromso Dog-sledding , forming the team, Norway
Forming the dog-team    
We formed two groups, and with the dogs howling and the rain splashing onto our faces, with the occasion pee spray from the last dog onto the front rider,  we sledded and bumped across the darkened terrain for about an hour.
Running, Howling and Peeing Dogs : Dog-sledding , Tromso, Norway
Running, Howling and Peeing dogs    
After the sledding, we were briefed about the dog-training program and shown around the compound. The dogs are well-loved here and the guides are competent in their care for them.
The puppy compound

Hot tea by the fireplace
A much-needed hot dinner and tea were included in the package. It was a worthwhile, albeit expensive experience.
Day3 : Tromso - Hurtigruten
We walked around the town centre and the shopping streets.
December Afternoon in Tromso, Norway
Tromso Afternoon
Tromso Christmas Decoration, Norway
Heart-Shape Christmas Decoration
'Hangout' at the cafe in the rightmost building again    
Tromso Harbour and Lunch
Lunch by the harbor front    
Boarding the Hurtigruten
At 3:30pm, we boarded the Hurtigruten, which only departed at 6:30pm.
Hurtigruten Cruise Map of Norway
The Cruise Map    
Hurtigruten NS KONG HAROLD Time Schedule - Hunting the Northern Lights
Cruise from Tromso back to Tromso    
Hotel : City Living Hotel, ~Nok2780 for 2 nights.